书名 | 《续增大生要旨XuZengDaShengYaoZhi》 |
正题名 | 續增大生要旨XuZengDaShengYaoZhi |
拼音题名 | Xu zeng da sheng yao zhi Xu Zeng Da Sheng Yao Zhi |
作者姓名 | 唐千顷纂;马振蕃增补 |
版本 | 清道光二十九年西安王家铺刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Wang-jia Pu in A.D.1849. |
版本行款 | 九行二十三字Nine lines; twenty-three words in each line |
附注项 | 正文前有道光五年马振蕃《序》、唐千顷《识语》、道光己酉(二十九年)范纪堂《序》、目录。此书述妇产儿科,增补在每卷之后。 There is a preface written by Ma Zhenfan and the introduction written by Tang Qianqin in A.D.1825, the preface written by Fan Jitang in A.D.1849 and table of contents before the text. This book also has the discourses on gynecology and pediatrics attached to each volume as the supplement. |
数量 | 一册一函One book in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 23.2MB |
总页数 | 139 |

