书名 | 《学福斋诗文集(据内容题)XueFuZhaiShiWenJi(Thetitleisfromthecontents.)》 |
正题名 | 學福齋詩文集(據内容題)XueFuZhaiShiWenJi(Thetitleisfromthecontents.) |
拼音题名 | Xue fu zhai shi wen ji (ju nei rong ti )Xue Fu Zhai Shi Wen Ji (The title is from the contents.) |
作者姓名 | 沈大成撰 |
版本 | 清乾隆间刻本。Qing Woodblock in the period of Qianlong Emperor. |
版本行款 | 十行二十一字Ten lines; twenty-one words in each line |
附注项 | 文集二十卷,六册一函;诗集三十七卷、卷首一卷,四册一函。文集正文前有惠栋《序》、乾隆辛卯(卅六年)戴震《序》、程晋芳《序》、乾隆辛卯张凤孙《序》、乾隆三十五年任大椿《序》、乾隆甲午江春《序》、目录。诗集正文前有乾隆丙戌杭世骏《序》、目录。 The essays collection is of twenty volumes in six books in one case. The poetry anthology is of thirty-seven volumes with an additional volume in the beginning, which are contained in four books in one case. There are the preface written by Hui Dong, preface written by Dai Zhen in A.D.1771, preface by Cheng Jinfang, preface by Zhang Fengsun in A.D.1771, preface by Ren Dachun in A.D.1770 and preface by Jiang Chun in A.D.1774 and table of contents before the text of essays collection. There are preface written by Hang Shijun in A.D.1766 and table of contents before the main body of the poetry anthology. |
数量 | 十册二函Ten books in two cases |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 157.5MB |
总页数 | 889 |