《养局案记(据函脊、版心题)YangJuAnJi(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionsonthebackboneofthecaseandintheprintingarea.)》(養局案記(據函脊、版心題)YangJuAnJi(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionsonthebackboneofthecaseandintheprintingarea.))清方观承编QingCompiled by Fang Guancheng-清乾隆二十四年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1759PDF


书名 《养局案记(据函脊、版心题)YangJuAnJi(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionsonthebackboneofthecaseandintheprintingarea.)》
正题名 養局案記(據函脊、版心題)YangJuAnJi(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionsonthebackboneofthecaseandintheprintingarea.)
拼音题名 Yang ju an ji (ju han ji 、ban xin ti )Yang Ju An Ji (The title is from the inscriptions on the backbone of the case and in the printing area.)
作者姓名 方观承编
版本 清乾隆二十四年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1759
版本行款 八行二十一字Eight lines; twenty-one words in each line
附注项 此“知养局”者,相当于今日之庇护所。由路毙者之剧减,可知效果昭著,可惜乃官绅以其余力为之,非国家定制耳。全书按直隶之各府、县、州、道顺序排列,下举县份。每县之下举出局数、局址、经费。 The Zhi Yang Ju herein is the shelter at that time. The dramatic decrease in the number of persons who died in traffic reflects its significant effect. However, it was not a state-owned shelter but was built and run by local officials and gentries in their spare time. This book is compiled in the order of regions in Zhili Province in different levels. For each county, it records of the number, address and expenditures of these shelters.
数量 二册一函Two volumes in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 25.4MB
总页数 187





