书名 | 《瀛环志畧YingHuanZhiLue》 |
正题名 | 瀛環志畧YingHuanZhiLue |
拼音题名 | Ying huan zhi lve Ying Huan Zhi Lue |
作者姓名 | 徐继畬着 |
版本 | 日本文久元年阿阳对嵋阁刻井上春洋等训点本。Qing Woodblock Print with the comments and punctuations by Japanese Inoue Shunyo in A.D.1861. |
版本行款 | 十行二十四字Ten lines; twenty-four words in each line |
附注项 | 此书据清道光本翻刻,但行款不尽相同。经井上春洋、森荻园、三守柳圃三位学者训点,地名旁注英文和日文,尤其地图刻印精细许多,卷前世界地图二幅施以彩色更为清晰醒目。此书早于福泽谕吉《西洋事情》,对明治维新有启导之功。 This edition is the reprinted version of the Qing Woodblock edition in the period of Daoguang Emperor but is different in the format. It contains the comments and punctuations written by the three Japanese scholars, Inoue Syunyou, Mori Tekien, Mitsumori Ryuho, with the name of place herein marked in English and Japanese on the side. The maps contained herein were printed in a more exquisite way, especially the first two pieces of colorful global maps which are much clearer. This book was composed earlier than Xi Yang Shi Qing written by Fukuzawa Yukichi and is highly praised for inspiring and initiating the Meiji Restoration. |
数量 | 十册一函Ten books in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 78.3MB |
总页数 | 490 |

