《雍正元年山东乡试YongZhengYuanNianShanDongXiangShi》(雍正元年山東鄉試YongZhengYuanNianShanDongXiangShi)清王传、柯乔年主考QingWang Chuan and Ke Qiaonian served as the general examiners-清雍正元年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1723.PDF


书名 《雍正元年山东乡试YongZhengYuanNianShanDongXiangShi》
正题名 雍正元年山東鄉試YongZhengYuanNianShanDongXiangShi
拼音题名 Yong zheng yuan nian shan dong xiang shi Yong Zheng Yuan Nian Shan Dong Xiang Shi
作者姓名 王传、柯乔年主考
版本 清雍正元年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1723.
版本行款 九行十八字Nine lines; eighteen words in each line
附注项 无书名叶。书首有王传《序》,叶一阙半叶。后题官员名录数十名,考试官为王传、柯乔年。另有 “中式举人九十二名”名单及“乡试录文”等,录文末有阙叶。 No title page. There is the preface written by Wang Chuan. Half of the first page was missing. There is the list of dozens of officials at the end. Wang Chuan and Ke Qiaonian served as the examiners. In addition, there is the list of ninety-two successful candidates in the royal examination together with their articles for examination. Some pages at the end of these articles were missing.
数量 一册一函One volumes in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 10.8MB
总页数 64





