《忠义水浒全书ZhongYiShuiHuQuanShu》(忠義水滸全書ZhongYiShuiHuQuanShu)元施耐庵撰;(明)李贽评YuanShi Nai’an; (Ming) Commented by Li Zhi-明末杨定见刊本。Ming Woodblock Pring by Yang Dingjian in late Ming dynasty.PDF


书名 《忠义水浒全书ZhongYiShuiHuQuanShu》
正题名 忠義水滸全書ZhongYiShuiHuQuanShu
拼音题名 Zhong yi shui hu quan shu Zhong Yi Shui Hu Quan Shu
作者姓名 施耐庵撰;(明)李贽评
版本 明末杨定见刊本。Ming Woodblock Pring by Yang Dingjian in late Ming dynasty.
版本行款 十行二十二字,匡上镌评小字双行四字Ten lines; twenty-two words in each line; the comment above the printing area are in double lines with four small-size words in each line.
附注项 此本是现在所看到的最早的一百二十回本,较此前的一百回本增加了“平田虎、王庆”的故事。据末叶朱笔《题记》可知日人尾张民加藤十六年间四读此书,用力颇勤。尾张国是日本古代的令制国之一,属东海道,亦称“尾州”,其国领约为现在爱知县西部。 This is the earliest 120-chapters edition that we can find on earth. By comparison with the previous edition with 100 chapters, this edition collects the story of Wang Qing in addition. It can be inferred from the introduction that this book was perusaled by a Japanese Owarinominkatou for four times within sixteen years. Owari was one of the local administrations attached to Tokaido in ancient Japan, which was also named Bisyuu and located in the West of today’s Aichi Prefecture.
数量 十五册三函Fifteen books in three cases
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 356.0MB
总页数 1976





