《字孪四卷ZiLuan(infourvolumes)》(字孿四卷ZiLuan(infourvolumes))明叶秉敬着MingYe Bingjing-明天启七年潘之淙等刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Pan Zhizong_ etc. in A.D.1627.PDF


书名 《字孪四卷ZiLuan(infourvolumes)》
正题名 字孿四卷ZiLuan(infourvolumes)
拼音题名 Zi luan si juan Zi Luan (in four volumes)
作者姓名 叶秉敬着
版本 明天启七年潘之淙等刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Pan Zhizong, etc. in A.D.1627.
版本行款 七行十四字Seven lines; fourteen words in each line
附注项 据台湾省商务印书馆影印文渊阁本《钦定四库全书》第228册云《字孪》二卷,明叶秉敬撰。秉敬著书凡四十余种。是编乃取字形似而义殊者,分类注之。每字缀以四言歌诀,则秉敬自创之体例。 It is recorded on Volumn 228 of Qin Ding Si Ku Quan Shu preserved in Wen-yuan Ge which was published by Taiwan Commercial Press that Zi Luan in two volumes was composed by Ye Bingjing in Ming dynasty. Forty categories were collected in this book. The book selects those characters which are similar in shape and different in meaning and has them classified and defined. Each character has a formula in verse of four characters, which is a new style created by Ye Bingjing personally.
数量 二册一函Two books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 36.9MB
总页数 225





