

书名 耘砚山房全集_文集上卷
书名二 Yun yan shan fang quan ji ; 耘砚山房全集
出版时间 清乾隆间 [i.e. between 1736 and 1795]

Qing Qianlong jian [i.e. between 1736 and 1795]

总卷数 6 v.
文件大小 79.59 MB
页面尺寸 2179 × 3750
总页数 95页
清晰度 高清版


馆藏信息 哈佛大学图书馆


邵履嘉撰. 耘砚山房全集. 清乾隆间 [between 1736 and 1795] TNC 5472 1274
Yenching University collection, in rare books room. Double leaves, oriental style, in case. Seals: “Shao Lü jia yin”, “Sui si” [… et al.] 旧钞本. 八行, 二一字. Seals: “邵履嘉印”, “遂思” [… et al.]. Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel : positive ; 35 mm.

Microfilm. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard College Library Imaging Services, 1986. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.







