作者 | 唐寅 |
品名 | 暮春林壑图轴 |
朝代 | 明朝 |
文件大小 | 18.01MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 1571×3822 |
尺寸(CM) | 13.3×32.35 |
作品数量 | 1 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 绘画 |
品名 |
明唐寅暮春林壑 轴 Late Spring in a Valley Forest |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 唐寅 |
数量 | 一轴 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 169×65.6 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 纸 |
【题跋类别】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款识】 | 【书体】 | 【全文】 |
作者款识 | 唐寅 | 本幅 | 逶迤十里平溪路。滴沥三重下濑泉。为底时来策黎(疑作藜)杖。春衣要试浴沂天。唐寅画并题。 | 行书 | |
印记: 唐伯虎、六如居士 |
【印记类别】 | 【印记】 |
收传印记 | 毘陵唐荆川家藏图书记 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宣统御览之宝 |
收传印记 | 董其昌印 |
收传印记 | 王时敏印 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宝笈三编 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 嘉庆御览之宝 |
收传印记 | 有明文靖世家图书 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 嘉庆鉴赏 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 石渠宝笈 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 三希堂精鉴玺 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宜子孙 |
【主题类别】 | 【主题(第一层)】 | 【主题(第二层)】 | 【主题说明】 |
主要主题 | 山水 | 春景 | |
其他主题 | 树木 | 竹 | |
次要主题 | 树木 | 寒林.枯树 | 枯树 |
其他主题 | 器用 | 家具(屏风) | 桌凳 |
其他主题 | 建筑 | 茅草屋 | |
其他主题 | 建筑 | 水榭 | |
次要主题 | 树木 | 杉 | |
主要主题 | 山水 | 瀑布 | 多重 |
其他主题 | 山水 | 山径 | |
次要主题 | 山水 | 江河、湖海 | |
其他主题 | 山水 | 溪涧、湍泉 | |
其他主题 | 人物 | 高士(士人、隐士) | 高士三人 |
其他主题 | 人物 | 侍从(侍女、童仆) | 童仆一人 |
【技法】 | 【技法细目】 |
皴法 | |
皴法 | 披麻皴 |
皴法 | 折带皴 |
人物衣纹描法(粗细线条) |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第四册,页1864 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页341 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画图录,第六册,页349-350 |
参考书目 | 1.江兆申,〈唐寅暮春林壑 轴〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页303。 |
内容简介(中文) | 唐寅(公元一四七○年至一五二三年)字子畏、伯虎,号六如,江苏吴县人。赋性疏朗,狂逸不羁,弘治戊午(公元一四九八年)举南京解元。画师周臣,而远过之,为明四大家之一。 本幅画层岩悬瀑,溪树弯环,竹障茅亭,一人倚栏独赏暮春景色。本幅未署年,然画树皴山,皆用细笔,应为四十岁左右之作。 |
内容简介(英文) | Late Spring in a Forested Valley T’ang Yin (1470-1523) Ming dynasty T’ang Yin was a native of Kiangsu province. His tzu (style names) were Tzu-wei and Po-hu; his hao (sobriquet) Liu-ju. His natural temperament was casual and his behaviour known to be free of restraint and often unconventional. In 1498, he attained the highest grade in the provincial examinations. In painting, T’ang Yin studied under Chou Ch’en, but soon surpassed his teacher. He is considered as the Four Masters of the Ming dynasty. This painting depicts a late spring scene in a forested valley. The trees and the texture strokes on the mountains are treated with a meticulous brush similar to works done around 1510 when T’ang Yin was forty years old. |
内容简介(中文) | 唐寅有行旅图画轴,枯树丛山之中,一人负袱而行,画树皴山,皆用细笔。上有七言绝句:「十年行李忆关山,纨袴何堪道路难;今日酒杯歌袖畔,竟忘门外到长安」。所谓十年行李,意在长安,唐寅京华之游,在三十岁,作行旅图时,在十年后,故知为四十岁时作品。此画树枝山石,笔法皆与行旅图极近,或是同时之作。亦有人疑此帧为摹本者,但画之佳,直可逼近原迹。 |
内容简介(英文) | Late Spring in A Forested Valley T’ang Yin (1470-1523) Ming Dynasty This painting is very similar to T’ang Yin’s hanging scroll “The Journey”, which depicts a clump of bare trees in the mountains and a man carrying a bundle as he walks. The trees and texture strokes in the mountains of “The Journey” are treated with a meticulous brush. Above is a poem reading, “Ten years ago I set out on a journey; I was young and had no idea of the difficulties that lay ahead. Now I sit drinking wine and singing songs; I have almost forgotten the long road to the capital.” T’ang Yin’s journey of ten years before must have been his trip to the capital to take the metropolitan examinations, when he was 29 years old, and from which he returned in disgrace. Thus “The journey” was painted ten years later, in 1509. The treatment of the branches of the trees and the rocks of the mountains are very similar to “Late Spring in A Forested Valley”, perhaps indicating that the two paintings were done in the same year. Some scholars believe that this painting is a very close copy rather than an original painting, but it is very well painted and can probably stand as an authentic work. |