

作者 何绍基
品名 临张迁碑轴
朝代 清代
文件大小 18.01MB
分辨率(DPI) 300×300
像素大小 2147×2797
尺寸(CM) 18.17×23.68
作品数量 1
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院
图片格式 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本


藏品类型 书法
品名 清何绍基临张迁碑 轴
Copying the Zhang Qian Stele
分类 法书
作者 何绍基
书体 隶书
数量 一轴
作品语文 汉文
释文 牧守相系。不殒高问。孝弟于家。中謇于朝。蝯叟。


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 94×42
全幅 270×62.5


【质地位置】 【质地】


【题跋类别】 【作者】 【位置】 【款识】 【书体】 【全文】
包首 蝯叟临张迁直帧。晚年笔。瓶斋秘籍。


【印记类别】 【印记】
作者印记 何绍基印
作者印记 子贞
收传印记 习是斋藏天随阁遗箧珍品
收传印记 习斋临过


【类别】 【参考资料】
收藏着录 谭伯羽谭季甫先生昆仲捐赠文物目录,页182、305-306
内容简介(中文) 何绍基(公元一七九九─一八七三年),字子贞,号东洲、蝯叟,湖南道县人。道光十六年进士,曾任翰林院编修,四川学政。博学多才,尤工于诗,精通金石书画,以书法闻名于世。何氏书法由颜真卿入手,上追秦汉篆隶,融各体书法于一炉,自成一格。
内容简介(英文) Ho Shao-chi (native to Tao-hsien, Hunan) was a Presented Scholar (chin-shih) of 1836 and in the Hanlin Academy and Education Commissioner of Szechwan. Of wide learning, he was good at poetry and especially gifted at Bronze and Stone style calligraphy. In the latter, Ho began studying Yen Chen-ch’ing’s style, tracing back to Ch’in and Han seal and clerical script to fuse them for his own style. This work (donated by Messrs. Tann Po-yu and Tann Chi-fu) is a clerical script copy of the Eastern Han “Chang Ch’ien Stele.” Not faithful to the original, Ho went beyond external form and completely rendered it in his own style. Each stroke is centered, the dark ink done with a trembling brush still revealing the Eastern Han simple and robust aura.
参考书目 游国庆;〈笔走龙蛇—清代中晚期经学家书法〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第351期(2012年6月份),页114-127。
内容简介(中文) 何绍基(公元一七九九-一八七三年),湖南道县人。字子贞,号东洲、蝯叟。博学多才,精通金石书画,尤工书法。何氏书法由颜真卿入手,上追秦汉篆隶,融各体书法于一炉,自成一格。
内容简介(英文) He Shaoji (style name Zizhen, sobriquets Dongzhou, Yuansou), native to Daoxian, Hunan, was widely learned and talented, being versed in Bronze and Stone painting and calligraphy while especially gifted at calligraphy. In the latter, He Shaoji began studying Yan Zhenqing’s style, tracing back to Qin and Han dynasty seal and clerical script, fusing them for his own style.
This work, donated by Messrs. Tann Po-yu and Tann Chi-fu, is an excerpted copy of the famous Zhang Qian stele of the Eastern Han. The entire work was done in trembling strokes of dark ink with the brush centered in a powerful manner. Though not faithful to the original, He Shaoji went beyond form to fully render it in his own style.



