

书名 拾级大成
书名二 Easy lessons in Chinese, or, Progressive exercises to facilitate the study of that language ; Progressive exercises to facilitate the study of that language ; She ji da cheng ; 拾级大成 ; especially adapted to the Canton dialect
出版时间 1842.0
总卷数 ix, 287 p., [1] folded leaf of plates ; 22 cm.
文件大小 162.86 MB
页面尺寸 2537 × 3750
总页数 316页
清晰度 高清版
出版信息 Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository
馆藏信息 哈佛大学图书馆


Williams, S. Wells (Samuel Wells) 1812-1884. Easy lessons in Chinese, or, Progressive exercises to facilitate the study of that language especially adapted to the Canton dialect. Macao: Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository, 1842.
Added t.p. in Chinese.

Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Library Preservation, 2017. (Harvard-Yenching Library Chinese Rare Books Digitization Project-Christianity). Copy digitized: Harvard-Yenching Library: RAREW PL1111.W55.







