

书名 圣马耳可传福音书
书名二 Sheng Ma’erke chuan fu yin shu ; Ma’erke chuan fu yin shu ; 圣马耳可传福音书 ; 马耳可传福音书
出版时间 1837.0
总卷数 1 volume
文件大小 53.8 MB
页面尺寸 2456 × 3422
总页数 104页
清晰度 高清版
馆藏信息 哈佛大学图书馆


Morrison, Robert, 1782-1834. Sheng Ma’erke chuan fu yin shu. China.1815
Block printing. cf. Wylie. Memorials. p. 31. Xin yi zhao shu chiefly the work of Mr. Medhurst. Batavia, 1837. Modified editions were published at Singapore and Serampore. Microfiche. Zug : Inter Documentation Co., 1982. 1 microfiche. (Protestant missionary works in Chinese. B, Bible ; B131). s1982^^^^sz n b cf. Wylie. Memorials. p. 31. 新遗诏书 chiefly the work of Mr. Medhurst. Batavia, 1837. Modified editions were published at Singapore and Serampore. Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Library Preservation, 2017. (Harvard-Yenching Library Chinese Rare Books Digitization Project-Christianity). Copy digitized: Harvard-Yenching Library: RAREB TA 1977.63 C1837.








