书名 | Ma-hok_chʻuen_fuk_yam_shue |
书名二 | Ma-hok chʻuen fuk yam shue |
出版时间 | 1894
1894. |
总卷数 | 1 v. |
文件大小 | 36.06 MB |
页面尺寸 | 2541 × 3750 |
总页数 | 86页 |
清晰度 | 高清版 |
出版信息 | Taai Ying Kwok shing shue gong ooi
Taai Ying Kwok shing shue gong ooi, |
馆藏信息 | 哈佛大学图书馆 |
Wisner, O.F. Ma-hok chʻuen fuk yam shue [Gospel of Mark] Lundun: Taai Ying Kwok shing shue gong ooi, 1894.
Yue yu pin yin ben. Published by the B.F.B.S. “1st ed. 500 copies, Shanghai, 1892; 2nd ed., revised, 1000 copies, London, 1894.” 粤语拼音本. Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Library Preservation, 2017. (Harvard-Yenching Library Chinese Rare Books Digitization Project-Christianity). Copy digitized: Harvard-Yenching Library: RAREB TA 1977.63 CC1894.