书名 | 齐乘_v.3古迹 |
书名二 | Qi cheng ; 齐乘 ; liu juan fu kao zheng ; 六卷附考证 |
出版时间 | Qing, between 1781 and 1911]
清, betwttn 1781 and 1911]. |
总卷数 | 4 v. 不完整版, maps. |
文件大小 | 64.88 MB |
页面尺寸 | 2631 × 3750 |
总页数 | 80页 |
清晰度 | 高清版 |
馆藏信息 | 哈佛大学图书馆 |
于钦. 齐乘 :六卷附考证. [清, betwttn 1781 and 1911]
Blockprint. Double leaves, oriental style, in case. You Qing Qianlong si shi liu nian (1781) xu. 有清乾隆四十六年(1781)序.
Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Library Preservation, 2014. (Harvard-Yenching Library Chinese Local Gazetteers Project). Copy digitized: Harvard-Yenching Library: T 3138 1488.