

作者 唐棣
品名 霜浦归渔图轴
朝代 元朝
文件大小 18.01MB
分辨率(DPI) 300×300
像素大小 2122×2829
尺寸(CM) 17.96×23.95
创作时间 元顺帝至元四年(1338)
作品数量 1
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院
图片格式 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本


藏品类型 绘画
品名 元唐棣霜浦归渔图轴
Fishermen Returning on a Frosty Bank
分类 绘画
作者 唐棣;Tang Di
创作时间 元顺帝至元四年(1338)
数量 一轴


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 144×89.7


【质地位置】 【质地】


【题跋类别】 【作者】 【位置】 【款识】 【书体】 【全文】
作者款识 唐棣 本幅 至元又戊寅(公元一三三八年)冬十一月。吴兴唐棣子华作。 行书
题跋 清高宗 本幅 丁亥仲春月御题 行书 罾罩笭箵负一肩。呼朋沙岸捕鱼旋。太湖设遇天随子。问在诗中第几篇。丁亥仲春月御题。
题签 清高宗 题签


【印记类别】 【印记】
鉴藏宝玺 乾隆御览之宝
鉴藏宝玺 乾隆鉴赏
鉴藏宝玺 石渠宝笈
鉴藏宝玺 三希堂精鉴玺
鉴藏宝玺 宜子孙
鉴藏宝玺 重华宫鉴藏宝
鉴藏宝玺 乐善堂图书记
鉴藏宝玺 嘉庆御览之宝
鉴藏宝玺 宣统御览之宝
收传印记 司印(半印)
收传印记 苍岩
收传印记 蕉林居士


【主题类别】 【主题(第一层)】 【主题(第二层)】 【主题说明】
主要主题 山水
主要主题 人物 渔夫、船夫 三人
主要主题 树木 寒林.枯树
主要主题 树木
其他主题 器用 耕织渔猎
其他主题 山水 溪涧、湍泉


【技法】 【技法细目】


【类别】 【参考数据】
收藏着录 石渠宝笈初编(重华宫),下册,页793
收藏着录 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页186-187
收藏着录 故宫书画图录,第四册,页225-226
参考书目 1.国立故宫博物院,1999年初版),页49-52。
4.林莉娜,〈元唐棣霜浦归渔图〉,收入蔡玫芬主编,《精彩一百 国宝总动员》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2011年九月初版一刷),页310。
内容简介(中文) 唐棣(约公元1284-1354年),浙江吴兴人。字子华,晚号遁斋。画山水初学赵孟俯,后兼法韦偃、李成、郭熙,其中对郭熙用功最深。本幅绘渔翁三人,肩负网罟渔具,且行且语,满载而归。画近景乔木所用之蟹爪枝与画坡石之云头皴,均传承自郭熙,而整体布局之平远法,则源于李成。幅左款署至元戊寅(1338),时正值唐氏盛年,故笔笔劲挺,诚为其平生杰作。
内容简介(英文) T’ang Ti, a native of Chekiang, initially studied the landscape style of Chao Meng-fu, but later also turned to the styles of Wei Yen, Li Ch’eng and Kuo Hsi. His greatest achievements, however, were as a follower of the Kuo Hsi tradition. Here, three fishermen carry their gear as they converse while walking along a frosty bank. The crab-claw branches of the trees and cloud-head texturing of the slope in the foreground both derive from the style of Kuo Hsi. The flat distance composition, however, is from that of Li Ch’eng. The artist’s inscription at the middle left dates the work to 1338, making it mature work. This is one of T’ang Ti’s masterpieces marked by a powerful brush and composition.
网页展示说明 唐棣(约1284-1354年),字子华,晚号遁斋。吴兴人。幼聪颖,年方弱冠,诗画均为乡人推重。初画山水学赵孟俯,得其华润森郁之趣。继窥郭熙,晚纵笔入韦偃,而其中对郭熙用力最深。   画松树二株,挺峙几达于顶端,枯树三株左右偃仰横斜,秋树四株穿错杂于其中。渔夫三人,背着网罟负荷渔具,边走边谈笑。中段为岚雾横隔,虚淡杳远。石头用云头皴,坡则略带披麻,干笔为多,运笔虽微用侧势,然大皆出以中锋,轮廓线条均匀,故觉圆厚。巨石下缘近水处不施勾皴,形成上丰下锐,并状水气空蒙,此乃法郭熙「早春图」。背景用淡层层托染,墨色丰郁,使主景更显突出。
网页展示说明 T’ang Ti, a native of Chekiang, initially studied the landscape style of Chao Meng-fu, but later also turned to the styles of Wei Yen, Li Ch’eng and Kuo Hsi. His greatest achievements, however, were as a follower of the Kuo Hsi tradition. Here, three fishermen carry their gear as they converse while walking along a frosty bank. The crab-claw branches of the trees and cloud-head texturing of the slope in the foreground both derive from the style of Kuo Hsi. The flat distance composition, however, is from that of Li Ch’eng. The artist’s inscription at the middle left dates the work to 1338, making it mature work. This is one of T’ang Ti’s masterpieces marked by a powerful brush and composition.
网页展示说明 唐棣(约1284-1354),字子华,湖州归安(今浙江吴兴)人。本幅绘秋末湖滨渔翁肩负网罟,满载而归的欢乐情景,反映渔民的生活。近景高昂挺拔的松柏宛如双龙腾空,偃仰横斜的秋树夹杂其中,成功诠释李成寒林的蟹爪枝,不过却无郭熙云头皴的实体感。唐棣曾在江浙、皖南作官,将孤寂萧瑟的李郭寒林转化成浓厚的庶民生活气息,此类画风深受权贵赏识,在元代李郭画派的传承上立有一席之地。(20110913)
网页展示说明 Tang Di (style name Zihua) was a native of Gui’an in Huzhou (modern Wuxiang, Zhejiang). This painting depicts fishermen hauling their nets along a lakeshore in late autumn. This merry scene of returning from a rewarding outing reflects the ideal life of fishermen. The towering pine and cedar trees in the foreground look like two dragons soaring up to the sky with autumnal trees mixed in to emerge here and there. This work is a successful interpretation of the “crab-claw” branches in the wintry trees of Li Cheng’s painting, though it lacks the volumetric sense of Guo Xi’s “cloud-head” texture strokes. Tang Di once served as an official in Zhejiang and Wannan, transforming the bleak and desolate wintry trees of the Li Cheng and Guo Xi manner into animated scenery rich with the everyday life of ordinary people. This type of painting style was greatly appreciated by officials at the time, enjoying considerable status in the Li-Guo School of the Yuan dynasty.(20110913)



