作者 | 饶介 |
品名 | 书中峰幻住像偈-元人杂书卷 |
朝代 | 元朝 |
文件大小 | 33.8MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 72×72 |
像素大小 | 5968×1887 |
尺寸(CM) | 210.53×66.56 |
创作时间 | 元顺帝至正廿五年(1365) |
作品数量 | 1 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 书法 |
品名 |
元人杂书 卷 饶介书中峰幻住像偈 Three poems in Seven-character Verse |
分类 | 法书 |
作者 | 饶介;Rao Jie |
书体 | 行书 |
创作时间 | 元顺帝至正廿五年(1365) |
数量 | 一幅 |
作品语文 | 汉文 |
释文 | 晴松落。(阙一字)。疎如雨。南风吹绿春天树。树前开徧菡 萏华。池上露凉浑欲语。道人观化无方所。尘世茫茫广歧路。笑看草木岁时香。俱逐游尘何处去。寻华摘叶情如许。公子归来与师遇。萧萧茆屋画为图。是故标师之出处。红衣落尽莲满房。碧藕留丝终幻住。至正廿五年乙巳。十月一日。过幻住出此卷。乃知中峰与松雪一合相耳。虽然。峰亦留此戏后人也。住幻居幻。又造境幻。又使人画像幻。今日复使我作幻语。峰愿力耶。抑遣下则剧耶。当问庵主人。华盖峰浮丘先生童子紫玄洞樵饶介信手识之。 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 26.3×109.5 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 纸 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 石渠宝笈三编(延春阁),第六册,页2698 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷一),第一册,页148 |
内容简介(中文) |
饶介(?-公元一三六七年),江西临川人,字介之,号华盖山樵、醉樵、浮丘公童子。倜傥豪放,能诗工书。自翰林应奉佥江浙廉访司事,张士诚据吴,慕其名,召以为淮南行省参知政事,家采莲泾上,日以觞咏为事。士诚败,俘至京师,死之。饶介书远师怀素与王献之,近宗康里巙巙,史称介草书飘逸,又谓其书圆劲畅朗,神追大令。本幅行书中峰明本像偈,作于至正廿五年(公元一三六五年),为晚年精品。书风疏朗秀逸,章草笔法虽不多,然轻灵自然,有画龙点睛之妙。 本幅为元人杂书卷第六幅。 |
内容简介(英文) | Jao Chieh (style name Chieh-chih and sobriquets Hua-kai shan-chiao, Tsui-chiao, and Fu-ch’iu-kung t’ung-tzu) was a native of Lin-ch’uan, Kiangsi. Elegant and untrammelled by nature, he was a gifted calligrapher. In the last years of the Yuan dynasty, he served as Hanlin Academician and Surveillance Commissioner of the Chiang-Che Circuit. When Chang Shih-ch’eng took control of the region, he came to admire Jao’s reputation and requested him to serve as Branch Secretariat and Magistrate of Huai-nan. Jao Chieh’s style was loosely patterned after those of Huai-su (725-785) and Wang Hsien-chih (344-386), but he more closely followed that of K’ang-li Nao-nao (1295-1345). The traditional assessment of his cursive script is that it is free and casual, while his style appears rounded, taut, and flowing in a grand and spirited manner. This work in running script was done in praise of a portrait of the Zen master Chung-feng Ming-pen and was calligraphed in 1365, making it a late work of the artist. The characters flow across the surface in a light, natural and elegant manner. Although not many elements of the cursive style are found in this work, it nonetheless has a spirited touch. This is the sixth work from the handscroll “Assorted Calligraphy by Yuan Masters.” |
参考书目 | 1.国立故宫博物院,1994年初版),页133。 |
内容简介(中文) |
饶介(?-公元一三六七年),字介之,江西临川人。倜傥豪放,能诗工书。元末张士诚(公元一三二一-一三六七年)据吴,召为淮南行省参知政事,士诚败,俘至京师,被诛。饶介书法远师王献之与怀素,近宗康里子山,史称其草书飘逸,圆劲畅朗。本幅为和尚中峰明本(公元一二六一-一三二三年)像题跋,作于至正廿五年(一三六五),行草中间杂章草笔法,于秀逸中增添古朴之气。 (20121017) |
内容简介(英文) | (20121017) |

饶介书中峰幻住像偈 元人杂书卷