

作者 宋克
品名 书公燕诗轴
朝代 明朝
文件大小 18.03MB
分辨率(DPI) 300×300
像素大小 1371×4385
尺寸(CM) 11.6×37.12
作品数量 1
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院
图片格式 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本


藏品类型 书法
品名 明宋克书公燕诗 轴
Poem Entitled Banquet
分类 法书
作者 宋克;Song Ke
书体 草书
数量 一轴
作品语文 汉文
释文 永日行游戏。欢乐犹未央。遗思在玄夜。相与复翱翔。辇(遗一车字)飞素盖。从者盈路傍。月出照园中。珍木郁苍苍。清川过石渠。流波为鱼防。夫容散其叶(点去)华。菡萏溢金塘。灵鸟宿木裔。仁兽游飞梁。华馆寄流波。豁达来风凉。生平未始闻。歌之安能详。投翰长叹息。绮丽不可忘。刘桢公燕诗。东吴宋克书。


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 111.7×32.4


【质地位置】 【质地】
印记数据 【印记类别】 【印记】 作者印记 宋克私印 作者印记 宋仲温 鉴藏宝玺 乾隆御览之宝 鉴藏宝玺 乾隆鉴赏 鉴藏宝玺 石渠宝笈 鉴藏宝玺 三希堂精鉴玺 鉴藏宝玺 宜子孙 鉴藏宝玺 御书房鉴藏宝 鉴藏宝玺 嘉庆御览之宝 鉴藏宝玺 宣统御览之宝


【类别】 【参考数据】
收藏着录 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1093
收藏着录 故宫书画录(卷二),第一册,页5
内容简介(中文) 宋克(公元一三二七-一三八七年),江苏苏州人。字仲温,号南宫生。年少性情豪放不羁,日久生厌而下决心闭门习书,日费千纸,终以善书名闻天下。其书出魏晋,深得钟繇、王羲之笔法,又精研皇象急就章,将章草之质朴凝重改为放逸古雅,后世谓其书体法一变,脱尽元人风气。为云间书派开山祖师。此轴章草纵逸,隶书波磔用笔明显,古雅隽秀。
内容简介(英文) Sung K’o, a native of Soochow, had a reputation for being unbridled as a youth. When the pressure of daily life caught up, he decided to shut himself off from the world and practice calligraphy, reportedly using up to a thousand sheets of paper a day. He then achieved fame as a calligrapher. His style derives from those of the Wei and Chin, achieving the manners of Chung Yu and Wang Hsi-chih. He also excelled at the Model Essay for Draft Cursive, instilling an archaic yet unrestrained elegance to this script. Later critics wrote that he shook off the style of Yuan calligraphers. He is considered the founder of the Yun-chien school. The draft cursive here still retains the vestiges of clerical script for an archaic yet elegant style.
内容简介(中文) 宋克(1327-1378),江苏苏州人。字仲温,号南宫生。年少性情豪放不羁,日久生厌而下决心闭门习书,日费千纸,终以善书名闻天下。其书出魏晋,深得钟繇、王羲之笔法,又精研皇象急就章,将章草之质朴凝重改为放逸古雅,后世谓其书体法一变,脱尽元人风气。此轴章草书笔法纵逸,波磔有隶意,显现古雅隽秀之意。(20110913)
内容简介(英文) Song Ke (style name Zhongwen, sobriquet Nangongsheng), a native of Suzhou in Jiangsu, had a reputation for being unbridled in his youth. When the pressure of daily life caught up, he decided to shut himself off from the world and practice calligraphy, reportedly using up to a thousand sheets of paper a day. He then finally achieved fame as a calligrapher. His style derives from those of the Wei and Jin, achieving the manners of Zhong You and Wang Xizhi. He also excelled at the “Model Essay for Draft Cursive,” instilling an archaic yet unrestrained elegance to this script. Later critics wrote that he shook off the style of Yuan calligraphers. The draft cursive here still is unrestrained, the wave-like vestiges of clerical script still evident for an archaic yet elegant style.(20110913)



