作者 | 张照 蒋廷锡 |
品名 | 蒋廷锡张照书画合璧册 |
朝代 | 清代 |
文件大小 | 216.54MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 2832×2124 |
尺寸(CM) | 23.97×17.98 |
作品数量 | 12 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 绘画,书法 |
品名 |
清蒋廷锡张照书画合璧 册 The Harmonious Combination of Writing and Painting in Calligraphy |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 蒋廷锡;张照 |
数量 | 一册:十三开(本幅十二开十二幅;前空白叶一) |
作品语文 | 汉文 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
画幅 | 24.2×22 |
书幅 | 24.2×22 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 纸 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),第七册,页511 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页159 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画图录,第二十八册,页96-101 |
内容简介(中文) | 张照(公元一六九一?一七四五年),江苏娄县人,号晴岚、得天居士,康熙四十八年(公元一七Ο九年)进士, 雍正年间累官至刑部尚书,乾隆元年(公元一七三六)曾因苗疆事务而遭夺职下狱,数月后获赦,官至刑部尚书,曾与编《石渠宝笈》。其书风近承董其昌,上溯米芾,乾隆帝誉其为「寓端庄于流丽者」。蒋廷锡(公元一六六九?一七三二年),康熙朝进士,亦入直南书房,擅花鸟,多有奉旨作品。(20100711) |
内容简介(英文) | Zhang Zhao (sobriquets Qinglan, Detian jushi) was a native of Luxian, Jiangsu. A Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1709, he rose to the post of Minister of Punishment in the Yongzheng reign. In 1736 he was imprisoned for failing to quell the Miao Rebellion, but released a few months later. He was also an editor of the imperial catalogue of paintings (Shiqu baoji). His calligraphy style is similar to Dong Qichang’s (1555-1636) and traces back to Mi Fu (1052-1108). The Qianlong Emperor praised him as “flowing within solemnity.” Jiang Tingxi was a Presented Scholar of the Kangxi reign (1662-1722) who entered the Southern Study of the emperor. He specialized in bird-and-flower painting, often doing works on imperial command.(20100711) |