作者 | 沈振麟 |
品名 | 绘十二月花神册 |
朝代 | 清朝 |
文件大小 | 218.82MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 2830×2122 |
尺寸(CM) | 23.96×17.96 |
作品数量 | 12 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 绘画 |
品名 |
清沈振麟绘十二月花神 册 The Spirit of Flowers in Twelve Months |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 沈振麟 |
数量 | 一册:十二开(本幅十二开十二幅) |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 27.2×33.4 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 纸 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷八),第四册,页156 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画图录,第二十七册,页290-293 |
参考书目 | 1.〈清沈振麟绘花神〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《牡丹名画特展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年四月初版),页50。 2.〈 清沈振麟绘十二月花神 册〉,收入谭怡令、刘芳如、林莉娜主编《满庭芳-历代花卉名品特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),页56-69。 |
内容简介(中文) | 沈振麟(19世纪),字凤池,吴县人(今江苏苏州)。于咸丰、同治年间(1851-1874)供奉内廷画院,擅长人物写照,又兼工花鸟写生、山水等,画名甚高,慈禧太后(1835-1908)曾颁赐亲笔手书「传神妙手」扁额。古代的文人墨客,玩赏和吟咏百花时,每喜赋予不同的象征寓意,致有司十二月令花神的美丽传说。本册共十二幅,各幅均绘有两种当季所盛开的花卉品种,画法兼融没骨、钩勒与渲淡,于设色富丽当中,犹能不失雅致的逸趣。(20110102) |
内容简介(英文) | Shen Zhenlin (style name Fengchi) was a native of Wuxian (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu). During the Xianfeng and Tongzhi reigns (from 1851 to 1874), he served in the painting academy at court. He specialized in figure and portrait painting while also excelling at bird-and-flower sketches from life and landscapes. He was an accomplished painter awarded by Dowager Empress Cixi (1835-1908) with a plaque personally inscribed by her that read, “Marvelously gifted in conveying the spirit.” Literati artists in ancient times, when appreciating and singing the praises of various flowers, would give each of these favored blossoms different symbolic meaning, which resulted in the lovely tale of “flower spirits” for the twelve months. This album features twelve leaves, each of which has two types of flowers blooming in that season. The painting methods combine “boneless” washes, outlines, and wash shading. The rich and beautiful colors retain an utmost untrammeledness.(20110102) |

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 兰花牡丹

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 杏花辛夷

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 杨柳桃花

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 桂花紫薇

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 水仙茶花

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 秋葵牵牛花

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 红梅绿竹

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 腊梅南天竺

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 芍药紫藤

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 莲花

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 菊花枫树

清沈振麟绘十二月花神册 蜀葵石榴