作者 | 居廉 |
品名 | 花卉草虫四屏图 |
朝代 | 清代 |
文件大小 | 72.15MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 1441×4175 |
尺寸(CM) | 12.2×35.34 |
创作时间 | 清德宗光绪十四年(1888) |
作品数量 | 4 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 绘画 |
品名 |
清居廉花卉草虫四屏 轴 Four Flower-and-Insect Panels |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 居廉;Ju Lian |
创作时间 | 清德宗光绪十四年(1888) |
数量 | 四轴 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 100.5×34.6 |
全幅 | 166.5×41 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 绢 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
内容简介(中文) | 居廉(公元一八二八–一九0四年),广东番禺人。字士刚,号古泉。从兄居巢授与花卉写生之法,后又兼取恽寿平、宋光宝、孟觐乙等人的没骨技法自成一家,时人以「居派」名之,又称「隔山派」。 四屏分写牡丹、凌霄、绣球、紫薇等时卉,并配以湖石、蜂、蝶、知了、螳螂。于精密写实之外,饶富没骨花卉清新典丽的特质,虽因重装颜色稍褪,犹可清晰得见居氏惯采的「撞水」与「撞粉」画技。 |
内容简介(英文) | Chu Lien was a native of Kwangtung. Learning the techniques of hsieh-sheng (sketching-from-life) for flowers and plants from his cousin Chu Ch’ao, he later studied the “boneless” wash style of Yun Shou-p’ing (1633-1690) and others, creating a new style of hsieh-sheng called the Chu (Ko-shan) School. Depicted in these four scrolls are peonies, Chinese trumpet creepers, hydrangea, and crape-myrtle complemented by decorative stones, bees, butterflies, cicadas, and mantises. In addition to the intricately realistic and detailed images are fresh and clear floral elements done in the boneless manner. Though the colors have faded from remounting, Chu’s technique of “water bumping” and “color bumping” are still clearly visible. |
网页展示说明 | 居廉(1828-1904),字士刚,号古泉,广东番禺人。从兄居巢授其花卉写生之法,后又兼取恽寿平、宋光宝、孟觐乙等人的没骨技法自成一家,时人以「居派」名之,又称「隔山派」。四屏分写紫薇、绣球、凌霄和牡丹等花木,并搭配以湖石和蜂、蝶、知了、螳螂。笔法精密写实,设色雅致,饶富没骨花卉清新典丽的特质,虽因重装颜色稍褪,仍可得见居廉惯用的「撞水」与「撞粉」技法。本作购于民国81年。 (20120106) |
网页展示说明 |
Ju Lian (style name Shigang, sobriquet Guquan) was a native of Panyu in Guangdong. Learning the technique of painting flowers from life from his elder brother, Ju Chao, he later also incorporated the “boneless” wash methods of Yun Shouping, Song Guangbao, and Meng Jinyi to form a style of his own. Contemporaries called it the “Ju School” as well as “Geshan School.” These four panels depict such flowering vegetation as the crape myrtle, hydrangea, trumpet creeper, and peony. The brushwork is precise and realistic, the coloring elegantly fine. The rich “boneless” wash flowers are pure and fresh in a beautifully classic manner. Although some of the hues faded after a previous remounting, they still reveal the techniques of “adding water” and “adding powder.” The National Palace Museum purchased this set of paintings in 1992. (20120106) |
网页展示说明 | 居廉(1828-1904)、字は士刚、号は古泉、広东番禺の人。从兄の居巣から花卉の写生法を教わり、后に恽寿平、宋光宝、孟觐などの没骨技法も取り入れて一派をなし、「居派」、または「隔山派」と称された。サルスベリ、アジサイ、ノウゼンカズラ、ボタンなどの花木が四幅それぞれに描かれており、湖石や蜂、蝶、蝉、カマキリなどが配してある。その笔法は精密かつ写実的で着色も雅趣に富み、没骨花卉ならではの清新かつ典丽な趣がある。表装のせいで色がやや褪せているが、居廉がよく用いた「撞水」、「撞粉」と言われる技法も见られる。民国81年(1992)购入。 (20120106) |



