Fang Shih-shu (style name Hsun-yuan; sobriquets Huan-shan, Hsiao-shih tao-jen) was originally a native of She-hsien, Anhwei province, but he lived in Yang-chou, Kiangsu province. He studied landscape painting with Huang Ting, a famous landscapist from Chang-shu, and he worked very much in the style of old masters, continuing the tradition of the Four Wangs of the early Ch’ing dynasty. Fang Shih-shu painted sixteen leaves in this album in which he imitated the styles of Fang Ts’ung-i, Ts’ao Chih-po, Huang Kung-wang, Wang Meng, and Chao Meng-fu, famous literati painters of the Yuan dynasty. According to two dated paintings, Fang-Shih-shu executed this when he was forty-five and forty-six years old.