

作者 石涛
品名 诗画合璧卷
朝代 清代
文件大小 178.71MB
分辨率(DPI) 72×72
像素大小 28086×2121
尺寸(CM) 990.81×74.82
作品数量 1
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院
图片格式 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本


藏品类型 绘画,书法
品名 清石涛诗画合璧 卷
Poetry and Painting
分类 绘画
作者 石涛
数量 一卷
作品语文 汉文


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅一 25.8×34.9
本幅二 21.4×20.6
本幅三 24×34.5
本幅四 21.6×20.8
本幅五 24×36.5
本幅六 21.6×20.7
本幅七 21.1×34.9
本幅八 21.6×20.6
全高 30.8
隔水一 11.8
本幅 314.2


【质地位置】 【质地】


【类别】 【参考数据】
收藏着录 张岳军先生王雪艇先生罗志希夫人捐赠书画特展图录,页196-205、237-239
收藏着录 罗家伦夫人张维桢女史捐赠书画目录,页132-135、178-179
内容简介(中文) 石涛(公元一六四二-一七0八年)本名朱若极,是明朝皇室的后裔。明亡后出家为僧,游历于宣城、金陵、扬州等地。兼善画山水、花果、兰竹,笔意狂纵恣肆,用墨淋漓多变。提倡「我自用我法」,为清初创新派的代表。
内容简介(英文) Shih-t’ao originally went by the name Chu Jo-chi and was a scion of the Ming dynasty imperial clan. After the fall of the Ming, he took the tonsure and traveled around the areas of Hsuan-ch’eng, Chin-ling, and Yangchow. Also gifted at painting landscapes, fruits-and-flowers, and bamboo-and-orchids, his brushwork was unrestrained and carefree, while his use of ink varied and often wet. He advocated the notion of “I use my own method”, becoming a representative of innovation in early Ch’ing painting.
This work, donated to the National Palace Museum by Ms. Chang Wei-chen,
includes a set with eight pieces of painting and calligraphy (four each), Judging from a seal on the first leaf that gives the cyclical date of “chi-ssu”, which corresponds to 1689, it was probably done by Shih-t’ao at the age of 47. In that year, the K’ang-hsi Emperor made an inspection tour of the south and even had an audience with Shih-t’ao. The first work in this handscroll, “The River Clear and Sea Calm”, is his record of that momentous occasion.


清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图

清 石涛 诗合璧图
