作者 | 超揆 |
品名 | 杜牧诗意图轴 |
朝代 | 清 |
文件大小 | 18.03MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 1717×3502 |
尺寸(CM) | 14.53×29.65 |
作品数量 | 1 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
藏品类型 | 绘画 |
品名 |
清超揆杜牧诗意图轴 Inspired by a Poem of Tu Mu |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 超揆 |
数量 | 一轴 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 62.8×31.9 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 绢 |
【题跋类别】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款识】 | 【书体】 | 【全文】 |
作者款识 | 超揆 | 本幅 | (书杜牧绝句一首)远上寒山石径斜。白云深处有人家。停车坐爱枫林晚。霜叶红于二月花。臣僧超揆谨写。 | 行楷书 | |
印记: 臣揆 |
【印记类别】 | 【印记】 |
收传印记 | 停云 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 乾隆御览之宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宣统御览之宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 嘉庆御览之宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 御书房鉴藏宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 石渠宝笈 |
【主题类别】 | 【主题(第一层)】 | 【主题(第二层)】 | 【主题说明】 |
主要主题 | 山水 | 秋景 | |
其他主题 | 树木 | 枫树.槭树 | 枫树 |
其他主题 | 建筑 | 房舍 | |
其他主题 | 走兽 | 骡.驴 | 一匹 |
其他主题 | 车 | 兽力车 | 一辆 |
其他主题 | 树木 | 松 | |
其他主题 | 山水 | 瀑布 | |
其他主题 | 山水 | 云 | |
其他主题 | 树木 | ||
其他主题 | 人物 | 侍从(侍女、童仆) | |
其他主题 | 人物 | 高士(士人、隐士) | |
其他主题 | 山水 | 石磴、栈道 | 石磴 |
【技法】 | 【技法细目】 |
皴法 | 披麻皴 |
人物衣纹描法(减笔) | |
苔点 | |
皴法 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 石渠宝笈初编(御书房),下册,页1165 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页568 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画图录,第十二册,页227-228 |
内容简介(中文) |
超揆和尚(公元十七世纪),江苏长洲人。俗姓文,名果,字轮庵。为文征明后裔,震亨之子。尝佐桑格总戎平定滇乱,得官不仕,弃而出家。圣祖南巡,迎驾有功,召入北京,赐塔玉泉山,卒谥文觉禅师。 工诗画,所画山水,构思造景皆能别开生面,且多写平生游历之名山异境。本幅写杜牧七绝诗意。 |
内容简介(英文) |
Inspired by a Poem of Tu Mu Ch’ao-k’uei (17th century) Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’ao-k’uei, who came from Ch’ang-chou in Kiangsu province, was a monk who lived during the end of the Ming and beginning of the Ch’ing dynasty. In secular life his surname was Wen, his name Kuo, and his style name Lun-an. He was a descendant of the great Ming painting master Wen Cheng-ming. He helped Sang Ko in the suppression of disorders in Yunnan, but instead of serving in the office which he was granted, he became a monk. Ch’ao-k’uei attracted the attention of the K’ang-his Emperor (r. 1662-1772) during one of his southern tours of inspection, and was summoned to Peking, where the emperor built a pagoda for him at Mt. Yu-ch’uan. He was granted the posthumous title “Ch’an Master Wen-chueh.” He was both a poet and painter, his landscapes revealing a style of composition which is immediately distinctive. Many of his works depict famous or unusual mountain scenery which he visited during his life. The present work was inspired by a poem by the T’ang dynasty poet Tu Mu. |
