《司马文正公集略〈同函脊题〉SiMaWenZhengGongJiLue(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase)》(司馬文正公集略〈同函脊題〉SiMaWenZhengGongJiLue(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase))宋司马光撰SongComposed by Sima Guang-明嘉靖十八年江西俞文峰刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Yu Wenfeng at Jiangxi province in A.D.1539PDF电子书网盘下载


书名 《司马文正公集略〈同函脊题〉SiMaWenZhengGongJiLue(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase)》
正题名 司馬文正公集略〈同函脊題〉SiMaWenZhengGongJiLue(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase)
拼音题名 Si ma wen zheng gong ji lve 〈tong han ji ti 〉Si Ma Wen Zheng Gong Ji Lue (The title is from the same on the backbone of the case)
作者姓名 司马光撰
版本 明嘉靖十八年江西俞文峰刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Yu Wenfeng at Jiangxi province in A.D.1539
版本行款 十一行二十二字Eleven lines; twenty-two words in each line
附注项 刘节《序》记是本乃祖之河东本,见于吕柟《序》,吕柟所刻河东本上海图书馆有藏,因讹漏较多,未及完备,故重刻之。司马光文集题名及版本甚多,《四库全书总目题要》录《集》八十卷,即王重民《中国善本书提要》所记之北京图书馆藏八十卷明刻本。此为节本,故题《集略》,卷数亦减至三十一卷。此《集略》本主要略去了赋,诗和部分杂文。 It is recorded in the preface written by Liu Jie that this book is originated from the edition printed in Hedong which is mentioned in the preface written by Lv Nan. The edition printed by Lv Nan in Hedong is preserved in Shanghai Library, which is not good enough due to many errors and omissions and therefore re-carved and reprinted. There are many versions of Sima Guang’s prose collection with different titles. Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao has the record of his prose collection titled Ji in eighty volumes. It is the eighty-volume version of Ming dynasty which is preserved in Beijing Library as recorded in Zhong Guo Shan Ben Shu Ti Yao written by Wang Chongming. This book is the abridged edition in thirty-one volumes titled Ji Lue. This abridged edition does not have the poetic essays, poems and part of prose collected herein.
数量 十册一函Ten books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 147.8MB
总页数 723





