《算学正义SuanXueZhengYi》(算學正義SuanXueZhengYi)朝鲜南秉吉编撰;李尚爀校正KoreaCompiled by Nam Pyung Gil; revised by Yi Sang-Hyk-朝鲜丁卯年序刊本。Korea Woodblock Print with preface in A.D.1867.PDF


书名 《算学正义SuanXueZhengYi》
正题名 算學正義SuanXueZhengYi
拼音题名 Suan xue zheng yi Suan Xue Zheng Yi
作者姓名 南秉吉编撰;李尚爀校正
版本 朝鲜丁卯年序刊本。Korea Woodblock Print with preface in A.D.1867.
版本行款 十行二十字Ten lines; twenty words in each line
附注项 南秉吉《自序》记编撰缘起云其于养病之余,采集诸算学书,李尚爀厘正编修,彚成一书曰《算学正义》。是书上编含度量衡、加法、减法、乘法、除法、开平方法、开立方法、勾股率等;中编含方程等;下编含测量等。由篇目可知,是书包含相当多近代数学部分。 The author’s preface concerns the background for compiling this book. It is said that the author collected various academic works in mathematics and had Yi Sang-Hyk to revise and compile them into a book titled Suan Xue Zheng Yi. The first part of this book concens metrology, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square, cubicity, hypotenuse fame, etc; the second part of this book concerns the mathematical equation; the last part of this book concerns measurements. It can be inferred from the title of chapter that this book introduces many theories of modern mathematics.
数量 三册一函Three books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 48.8MB
总页数 264





