图名 | 中国老照片005-台风过后的香港仔码头 |
原名 | [Photo.22/(005)] Aberdeen Dock After Typhoon |
分类 | 中国老照片(含香港) |
文件大小(tif) | 43.65MB |
图片像素 | 4411×3298 |
图片DPI | 600×600 |
图片尺寸(CM) | 18.67×13.96 |
下载方式 | 百度网盘链接 |
图片格式 | TIF+JPG |
来源 | 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会 |
View looking down onto the dockyard, showing damage wrought by the typhoon. This print forms the right hand section of a two-part panorama of the dockyard (the remaining section is not present. See British Library OIOC Photo 337/2 (7-8) for the complete view). Pencilled note on the reverse reads: ‘During typhoon the Caisson was floated away. the workshop belonging to the Dock Coy. was damaged as shewn. The village also suffered terribly.’ -1874. Hong Kong Typhoon.
俯视船坞,可以看到台风造成的破坏。这张照片是船坞全景图的右侧部分(其余部分不存在。完整视图见大英图书馆OIOC照片337/2(7-8))。背面用铅笔写着:“台风期间,沉箱号被冲走了。Dock Coy的工作室。如图所示,已损坏。村子也遭受了巨大的损失。”-1874.香港台风。