书名 | Sah-meo-r_kyi |
书名二 | Sah-meo-r kyi |
出版时间 | 1900
1900. |
总卷数 | 1 v. |
文件大小 | 47.58 MB |
页面尺寸 | 2452 × 3750 |
总页数 | 98页 |
清晰度 | 高清版 |
出版信息 | British and Foreign Bible Society
British and Foreign Bible Society, |
馆藏信息 | 哈佛大学图书馆 |
Sah-meo-r kyi. Ningbo: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1900.
Romanization of Ning-po dialect. Added on cover: Nying-po tʻu wô. Ningpo colloguial I. and II. Samuel. British and Foreign Bible Society. Zôngh-hae. Me wô shu kwun ing shih (Edition 336) With reference. Microfiche.
Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Library Preservation, 2017. (Harvard-Yenching Library Chinese Rare Books Digitization Project-Christianity). Copy digitized: Harvard-Yenching Library: RAREB TA 1977.276 CN1900.